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    Investigation & Investment Forecast Report on China FTZ During 2024-2028

    首次出版:最新修訂:November 2018交付方式:特快專遞(2-3天送達)

    報告屬性:共238頁、7.8萬字、72個圖表下載目錄 版權聲明


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    報告目錄內容概述 定制報告

    Chapter I: Overview of Free Trade Zone
    1.1: Free Trade Zone Concept Definition
    1.1.1: Broad FTA
    1.1.2: Narrow FTZ
    1.1.3: Difference between FTA and FTZ
    1.1.4: Main Functions of the Free Trade Area
    1.2: The Core Location Factors of Free Trade Zone
    1.2.1: Industrial Base
    1.2.2: Traffic Conditions
    1.2.3: Market Functions
    1.3: Fundamental Types of Free Trade Zone
    Chapter II: International Free Trade Zones Development Patterns and Experience Reference during 2016-2018
    2.1: Overview of Development of International Free Trade Zones during 2016-2018
    2.1.1: Analysis of Main Types
    2.1.2: Development Stage and Process
    2.1.3: Development Features Analysis
    2.1.4: Typical Mode Analysis
    2.1.5: Global Region Distribution
    2.1.6: International Strategic Trend
    2.1.7: Future Development Trend
    2.2: Analysis of Development Strategy of Free Trade Zones of all Countries/Regions
    2.2.1: The Development Strategy of Free Trade Zones of the United States
    2.2.2: Singapore FTZ Development Strategy
    2.2.3: Brazil FTZ Development Strategy
    2.2.4: Russia FTA Development Strategy
    2.2.5: India FTA Development Strategy
    2.3: Learning Development Experience of Advanced Foreign Free Trade Zones
    2.3.1: Improve the Transformation and Upgrading of Special Area under Supervision
    2.3.2: Optimize the Income Tax Policy
    2.3.3: Optimize the Export Rebates System
    2.3.4: Optimize the Preferential System for Turnover Tax
    2.3.5: Promote the Trade Facilitation Measures
    Chapter III: Analysis of Successful Cases of International Free Trade Areas during 2016-2018
    3.1: North American Free Trade Area
    3.1.1: Establishment Background
    3.1.2: Main Achievements
    3.1.3: Success Factors
    3.1.4: Experience Reference
    3.2: Antwerp Port, Belgium
    3.2.1: Advantages for Development
    3.2.2: Current Development Status
    3.2.3: Experience Reference
    3.3: Colon Free Zone of Panama
    3.3.1: Basic Information
    3.3.2: Current Development Status
    3.4: Analysis of Other Successful Cases
    3.4.1: Jebel Ali Free Zone of Dubai
    3.4.2: Manaus Free Trade Zone of Brazil
    3.4.3: Busan-Chinhae Economic Free Zone of Korea
    Chapter IV: Comprehensive Analysis of Development of China’s Free Trade Zone during 2016-2018
    4.1: General Situation of Construction and Development of China’s Free Trade Zone during 2016-2018
    4.1.1: Achievements made in development of free trade zones
    4.1.2: Current Development Status of Free Trade Zones
    4.1.3: Development Index of the Free Trade Zones
    4.1.4: Analysis on Listed Companies in the Free Trade Zones
    4.1.5: Construction Emphasis of Free Trade Zones
    4.2: Analysis on Regional Distribution of Construction of Free Trade Area of China
    4.2.1: Current Status of Regional Distribution
    4.2.2: Regional Distribution Challenges
    4.2.3: Suggestions on Regional Layout
    4.3: Opinions on Accelerating Implementation of the Free Trade Area Strategy of China
    4.3.1: Aim and Task
    4.3.2: Optimize the Construction Layout
    4.3.3: Speed up Construction
    4.4: Analysis on Development of China’s Free Trade Areas during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020)
    4.4.1: Speed up Promotion of Pilot of China’s Free Trade Zones
    4.4.2: Build a Network of Free Trade Areas
    4.4.3: Get Closer to Higher Standard of Trade Rules
    Chapter V: Analysis on Investment Opportunity of China Free Trade Area (FTA)
    5.1: Overview of Construction Status of China’s FTA
    5.1.1: Free Trade Areas for which Agreements Have Been Signed
    5.1.2: Free Trade Areas under Negotiations
    5.1.3: Free Trade Areas under Considerations
    5.2: China- ASEAN Free Trade Area
    5.2.1: Construction Progress
    5.2.2: Economic and Trade Situations
    5.2.3: Investment Opportunity
    5.2.4: Investment Hot Spot
    5.2.5: Investment Risks
    5.2.6: Investment Countermeasures
    5.3: China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Area
    5.3.1: Negotiation Progress
    5.3.2: Economic and Trade Situations
    5.3.3: Cooperative Potential
    5.3.4: Development Suggestions
    5.4: China- Pakistan Free Trade Area
    5.4.1: Construction Progress
    5.4.2: Analysis of Achievements
    5.4.3: Investment Environment
    5.4.4: Investment Opportunity
    5.5: China-Chile Free Trade Area
    5.5.1: Construction Progress
    5.5.2: Economic and Trade Situations
    5.5.3: Investment Environment
    5.5.4: Investment Opportunity
    5.5.5: Prospect Analysis
    5.5.6: Development Suggestions
    5.6: China-New Zealand Free Trade Area
    5.6.1: Construction Progress
    5.6.2: Economic and Trade Situations
    5.6.3: Investment Environment
    5.6.4: Investment Opportunities
    5.7: China-Singapore Free Trade Area
    5.7.1: Construction Progress
    5.7.2: Economic and Trade Situations
    5.7.3: Investment Environment
    5.8: China-Peru Free Trade Area
    5.8.1: Construction Progress
    5.8.2: Economic and Trade Situations
    5.8.3: Investment Environment
    5.8.4: Investment Opportunities
    5.8.5: Development Suggestions
    5.9: China- Costa Rica Free Trade Area
    5.9.1: Construction Progress
    5.9.2: Economic and Trade Situations
    5.9.3: Investment Environment
    5.9.4: Development Suggestions
    5.10: China-Switzerland Free Trade Area
    5.10.1: Construction Progress
    5.10.2: Economic and Trade Situations
    5.10.3: Investment Environment
    5.10.4: Investment Opportunities
    5.10.5: Development Suggestions
    Chapter VI: Analysis on Development of China Free Trade Zone (FTZ)
    6.1: Analysis on Development Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ)
    6.1.1: Establishing History
    6.1.2: Settled Enterprises
    6.1.3: Operational Results
    6.1.4: Development Issues
    6.1.5: Development Suggestions
    6.2: Guangdong Free Trade Zone
    6.2.1: Construction Background
    6.2.2: Operation Base
    6.2.3: Development Regulations
    6.2.4: Current Development Status
    6.3: Tianjin Free Trade Zone
    6.3.1: Basic Situation Analysis
    6.3.2: Financial Supportive Policies
    6.3.3: Development Status Analysis
    6.4: Fujian Free Trade Zone
    6.4.1: Basic Situation Analysis
    6.4.2: Financial Supportive Policies
    6.4.3: Development Status Analysis
    6.4.4: Industrial Development Planning
    6.5: Liaoning Free Trade Zone
    6.5.1: Basic Situation Analysis
    6.5.2: The Free Trade Zone Hanged out its Shingle for Operation
    6.5.3: FTZ Construction Results
    6.6: Zhejiang Free Trade Zone
    6.6.1: Analysis of General Situation
    6.6.2: Industrial Layout of the Areas
    6.6.3: Promotion and Development Achievements
    6.6.4: Financial Supportive Policies
    6.7: Henan Free Trade Zone
    6.7.1: Analysis of General Situation
    6.7.2: Industrial Layout of the Areas
    6.7.3: Development Promotion Effects
    6.7.4: Development Supportive Policies
    6.8: Hubei Free Trade Zone
    6.8.1: General Situation of the Free Trade Zone
    6.8.2: Operational Achievements of the Free Trade Zone
    6.8.3: Policies for Development of the Free Trade Zone
    6.9: Chongqing Free Trade Zone
    6.9.1: Functional Layout Analysis
    6.9.2: Development Promotion Effects
    6.9.3: Key Development Strategies
    6.10: Sichuan Free Trade Zone
    6.10.1: Analysis of General Situation
    6.10.2: Construction Promotion Effects
    6.10.3: Development Supportive Policies
    6.11: Shaanxi Free Trade Zone
    6.11.1: Analysis of General Situation
    6.11.2: Development and Construction Results
    6.11.3: Financial Supportive Policies
    Chapter VII: Analysis on Enterprises Benefiting from Construction of Free Trade Zones of China
    7.1: Beibu Gulf Port Co., Ltd.
    7.1.1: General Situation of Development of the Enterprise
    7.1.2: Analysis of Operating Efficiency
    7.1.3: Analysis of Business Operation
    7.1.4: Prospect Forecast
    7.2: Guangxi Wuzhou Transportation Co., Ltd.
    7.2.1: General Situation of Development of the Enterprise
    7.2.2: Analysis of Operating Efficiency
    7.2.3: Analysis of Business Operation
    7.2.4: Prospect Forecast
    7.3: Nanning Baihuo Co., Ltd.
    7.3.1: General Situation of Development of the Enterprise
    7.3.2: Analysis of Operating Efficiency
    7.3.3: Analysis of Business Operation
    7.3.4: Prospect Forecast
    7.4: Jiangsu Lianyungang Port Co., Ltd.
    7.4.1: General Situation of Development of the Enterprise
    7.4.2: Analysis of Operating Efficiency
    7.4.3: Analysis of Business Operation
    7.4.4: Prospect Forecast
    7.5: Dalian Port (PDA) Company Limited
    7.5.1: Analysis of Operating Efficiency
    7.5.2: Analysis of Business Operation
    7.5.3: Prospect Forecast
    7.6: Tianjin Port Holdings Co., Ltd.
    7.6.1: General Situation of Development of the Enterprise
    7.6.2: Analysis of Operating Efficiency
    7.6.3: Analysis of Business Operation
    7.6.4: Prospect Forecast
    7.7: Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.
    7.7.1: Analysis of Operating Efficiency
    7.7.2: Analysis of Business Operation
    7.7.3: Prospect Forecast
    7.8: Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Group Co., Ltd.
    7.8.1: General Situation of Development of the Enterprise
    7.8.2: Analysis of Operating Efficiency
    7.8.3: Analysis of Business Operation
    7.8.4: Prospect Forecast
    7.9: Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Development Co., Ltd.
    7.9.1: General Situation of Development of the Enterprise
    7.9.2: Analysis of Operating Efficiency
    7.9.3: Analysis of Business Operation
    7.9.4: Prospect Forecast
    Chapter VIII: Construction of Legal Environment for Free Trade Zones of China
    8.1: Legal System Environment of International Free Trade Zones
    8.1.1: Management System
    8.1.2: Preferential System
    8.1.3: Regulatory System
    8.2: Analysis on China FTA Service Trade Agreement
    8.2.1: Scope of Application
    8.2.2: Domestic Regulations
    8.2.3: Recognition of Qualifications of Service Providers
    8.2.4: Restrictions on Monopolies and Franchised Service Providers
    8.2.5: Restrictions on Business Practice
    8.2.6: Payment and Transfer
    8.2.7: Market Access Conditions
    8.2.8: National Treatment and the Most-Favored-Nation-Treatment
    8.2.9: Denial of Benefits
    8.2.10: Exceptions and Rule of Origin
    8.3: Analysis on Innovation of Management System of China FTA
    8.3.1: Innovation of Foreign Trade Management System
    8.3.2: Innovation in Foreign-Related Investment Management System
    8.3.3: Innovation in In-Process and Post-Mortem Supervision System
    8.4: Path Analysis of Development of Free Trade Zones of China
    8.4.1: Establish a Sound Legal System
    8.4.2: Formulate attractive preferential policies
    8.4.3: Make innovations in customs supervision system
    8.4.4: Construct a reasonable management system
    8.5: Exploration on Legal Framework of China’s Free Trade Zone
    8.5.1: Legislation Model
    8.5.2: Legislative Principles
    8.5.3: Legislation Contents
    8.5.4: Legal Liability
    Chapter IX: Investment Risks and Development Suggestions for Chinese Free Trade Areas
    9.1: External Risk for Chinese Free Trade Zones
    9.1.1: Risks in Expansion of Overseas Free Trade Areas Such as TPP
    9.1.2: Risks in no Further Development of China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Area
    9.1.3: Conflict Factors Affecting Development of Strategy for Free Trade Areas
    9.2: Challenges before Chinese Free Trade Areas
    9.2.1: Developed Countries Promoting High Standard Free Trade Zones
    9.2.2: Trade Diversion Risk
    9.2.3: Aggravation of Political Factors
    9.2.4: Needing Support of Industrial Transformation
    9.3: Analysis of Supply Chain Risk Management of Chinese Free Trade Zones
    9.3.1: Market Risk
    9.3.2: Cooperation Risk
    9.3.3: Technical Analysis
    9.3.4: Information Risk
    9.3.5: Financial Risk
    9.3.6: Institutional Risk
    9.3.7: Supply Chain Dissolution Risk
    9.3.8: Preventive Measures


      The concept of free trade area has its broad and narrow sense. The broad free trade area (FTA) refers to the special economic area or economic group composed of two or more countries or regions or separate tariff areas within which tariffs and other nontariff restrictions are eliminated and beyond which the protection of trade and commerce is implemented, such as North American Free Trade Area (including the United States, Canada and Mexico), ASEAN Free Trade Area (including 10 ASEAN countries), etc. The narrow Free Trade Zone (FTZ) refers to the special economic zone that is set up in a country or separate tariff area and isolated from the customs jurisdiction with fence, such as Shanghai Free Trade Zone.

      Free trade area plays a very important role, for it has a very important impact on international trade and economic development of member countries. Currently, the establishment of global free trade zone has flourished. There are more than 1,200 free trade zones in the world, which can be described as blooming everywhere. In addition to the developed areas in Europe and the United States, in recent years, construction of free trade zones in India and the Middle East has been developing rapidly. More and more countries have inspired and adjusted the structure and scale of their foreign trade and foreign investment through the establishment of free trade zones, special economic zones or special industrial parks.

      On Sep. 29, 2013, Shanghai Free Trade Zone was formally established. It is the first free trade zone in the Chinese Mainland. It is a major measure taken to carry and try new things, deepen the reform and open wider to the outside world. It is of far-reaching significance. In March, 2015, the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC examined and approved the overall plan of pilot free trade zones of Guangdong, Tianjin and Fujian, and further deepened the reform and opening up scheme of Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. At present, initial achievements have been made in the construction of pilot free trade zones in Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin and Fujian, which demonstrates the role of experimental fields of pilot free trade zone. In August 2016, the Party Central Committee and the State Council decided to establish 7 new pilot free trade zones in Liaoning Province, Zhejiang Province, Henan Province, Hubei Province, Chongqing Municipality, Sichuan Province and Shaanxi Province. This represents that construction of pilot free trade zone begins a new course. On March 31, 2017, the State Council formally announced the establishment of “Pilot Free Trade Zone” in 7 provinces and cities including Liaoning, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan and Shaanxi, and announced the detailed plans. Up to now, total number of China's “Pilot Free Trade Zones” has reached 11. The newly established pilot free trade zones will continue to rely on the existing new zones and parks approved by the State Council and will continue to closely adhere to the core of system innovation so as to further connect with high standard international economic and trade rules, form a pilot pattern with different characteristics and focuses in a wider area and range and promote overall deepening of reform and opening up. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), driven by the strategy of the “Belt and Road”, the development of Chinas free trade areas is expected to usher in historical opportunity and broad development prospects.

      The Investigation & Investment Forecast Report on China FTZ During 2019-2023 published by China Investment Consulting (CIC) has 9 chapters. It first introduces the concept and type of free trade zone, and then makes an overall explanation of development state of international free trade zone from aspects of construction status, operational mode, development strategy, successful examples, etc. Subsequently, the report introduces the construction status of China’s Free Trade Zones in details and analyzes the investment opportunities and related beneficiary enterprises of free trade zone that China participates in its construction. Finally, the report conducts a scientific analysis on risks confronted by investment in the free trade zone and suggestions on countermeasures.

      The data of this research report are mainly from the National Bureau of Statistics, General Administration of Customs, the Ministry of Finance, CIC Industrial Research Center, CIC Market Research Center and key publications at home and abroad. The data is authoritative, full and accurate and rich, which is used to make scientific forecast of core development indicators of the industry through professional analysis and prediction model. If you or your company hopes to have a systemic understanding of the free trade area or seek for investment opportunity, this report will serve as an indispensable and important reference for you.



    Investigation & Investment Forecast Report on China FTZ During 2024-2028


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