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  • 中投顧問


    Analysis and Investment Consulting Report on China Titanium Dioxide Industry, 2024-2028

    首次出版:最新修訂:August 2012交付方式:特快專遞(2-3天送達)

    報告屬性:共0頁、110個圖表下載目錄 版權聲明


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    報告目錄內容概述 定制報告

    Chapter I Brief introduction of titanium and titanium dioxide
    1.1 Introduction of titanium
    1.1.1 Concept and characteristics of titanium
    1.1.2 Uses of titanium in different fields
    1.1.3 Status of world titanium resources
    1.1.4 Status of China titanium resources
    1.2 Related introduction of titanium dioxide
    1.2.1 Introduction of titanium dioxide
    1.2.2 Main types of titanium dioxide
    1.2.3 Main uses of titanium dioxide
    1.2.4 Development history of titanium dioxide industry
    Chapter II Analysis of titanium dioxide industry
    2.1 Overall situation of world titanium dioxide industry development
    2.1.1 Characteristics of world titanium dioxide industry development
    2.1.2 Production capacity distribution of world titanium dioxide industry
    2.1.3 Import and export analysis of world titanium dioxide industry
    2.2 Development situation of world titanium dioxide market
    2.2.1 Development situation of world titanium dioxide market
    2.2.2 Structure of consumption of world titanium dioxide market
    2.2.3 Supply and demand situation of global titanium dioxide market
    2.2.4 Dramatic changes of global titanium dioxide market
    2.3 Overall survey of China titanium dioxide industry development
    2.3.1 Four stages of China titanium dioxide industry development
    2.3.2 China titanium dioxide industry carrying out the three big breakthroughs
    2.3.3 Development situation of China titanium dioxide market
    2.3.4 Development situation of China titanium dioxide industry
    2.4 Overview of titanium dioxide industry development 2009-2012
    2.4.1 Overview of China titanium dioxide industry in 2009
    2.4.2 Comprehensive development of titanium dioxide industry in 2010
    2.4.3 Analysis of China titanium dioxide industry development in 2011
    2.4.4 General quotation analysis of China titanium dioxide market in 2012
    2.5 Problems titanium dioxide industry facing and development countermeasures
    2.5.1 Main problems China titanium dioxide industry need solve
    2.5.2 China titanium dioxide industry is about to face integration
    2.5.3 Basic strategies of China titanium dioxide industry development
    2.5.4 Countermeasures of China titanium dioxide industry development
    Chapter III Import and export analysis of China titanium dioxide industry
    3.1 Overall import and export survey of titanium dioxide industry
    3.1.1 Import and export status review of China titanium dioxide industry
    3.1.2 Import and export amount of titanium dioxide industry reaching new peaks Jan.-Dec. 2011
    3.1.3 Import and export overview of titanium dioxide and titanium mineral Jan.-Jun. 2012
    3.2 Import and export data analysis of titanium ore and its concentrate
    3.2.1 Overall import and export data 2010-Jun. 2012
    3.2.2 Import and export data in key provinces 2011-Jun. 2012
    3.2.3 Import and export data in main countries 2011-Jun. 2012
    3.3 Import and export data analysis of titanium oxide
    3.3.1 Overall import and export data 2010-Jun. 2012
    3.3.2 Import and export data in key provinces 2011-Jun. 2012
    3.3.3 Import and export data in main countries 2011-Jun. 2012
    Chapter IV Introduction of key titanium dioxide enterprises
    4.1 DuPont Company
    4.1.1 Company introduction
    4.1.2 Operating strategy analysis
    4.1.3 Investment strategy analysis of DuPont in China
    4.2 Chongqing Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. of Pangang Group
    4.2.1 Company introduction
    4.2.2 Operating situation analysis in 2011
    4.2.3 Operating situation analysis in the first half of 2012
    4.3 CNNC Hua Yuan Titanium Dioxide Co., Ltd..
    4.3.1 Company introduction
    4.3.2 Main businesses analysis
    4.3.3 Operating situation analysis in 2011-Jun. 2012
    4.4 Annada Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.
    4.4.1 Company introduction
    4.4.2 Operating situation analysis in 2011
    4.4.3 Operating situation analysis in the first half of 2012
    4.5 Shandong Dongjia (Group) Co., Ltd.
    4.5.1 Company introduction
    4.5.2 Titanium dioxide yield of Dongjia Group ranking first in the country
    4.5.3 Shandong Dongjia Group developing by leaps and bounds
    4.6 Sichuan Lomon Titanium Industry Co., Ltd.
    4.6.1 Company introduction
    4.6.2 Export amount of Lomon titanium dioxide reaching 21 thousand tons
    4.6.3 Lomon titanium dioxide devices coming back to produce smoothly after disaster
    4.7 Jinzhou Titanium Industry Co., Ltd. of Pangang Group
    4.7.1 Company introduction
    4.7.2 Production and operating situation analysis
    4.7.3 Pan-Jin Titanium exploiting the overseas market
    4.8 Other enterprises
    4.8.1 Jiangsu Taibai Group Co., Ltd.
    4.8.2 Nanjing Titanium Dioxide Chemical Co., Ltd.
    4.8.3 Ningbo Xinfu Titanium Dioxide Co., Ltd.
    4.8.4 Shanghai Jianghu Titanium White Product Co., Ltd.
    Chapter V Investment and development trend analysis of titanium dioxide industry
    5.1 Investment environment analysis of titanium dioxide industry
    5.1.1 Stable growth of global demand for titanium dioxide
    5.1.2 Profits of Asian titanium dioxide being expected to be improved
    5.1.3 China titanium dioxide industry entering mature period
    5.2 Prospect and direction of titanium dioxide industry development
    5.2.1 Development trend of China titanium dioxide industry
    5.2.2 Development direction of China titanium dioxide products
    5.2.3 Great developing potential of nano-titanium dioxide


      Total consumption quantity of titanium dioxide of one country is the important reference mark of social consumption level, and this is because the application fields of titanium dioxide are very broad. It is the important and indispensable raw material in the production of the industries such as coating, plastic, printing ink, paper sheet, chemical fiber, daily chemical, medicine and food, so different industrial developed countries pay more attention to the production of titanium dioxide. China titanium dioxide industry entered the international market competition in early time, and the wax and wane of the international titanium dioxide market impacts the production of China titanium dioxide directly.

    The current output of China titanium dioxide is only to America. With the continuous enhancing of productivity and quality of titanium dioxide and ferric oxide etc., China is hopeful to become the real international manufacturing center of inorganic pigments.

    In recent years, the price of energy and raw material increases, meanwhile titanium dioxide in world developed countries has entered mature period of the product, the possibility of increasing production by means of investment is not very big, it is estimated that in the next years, the average annual growth rate will be 1.4%. That makes the transnational corporations place the hope of future development of titanium dioxide in Asia, especially China.

    Actually, titanium dioxide production has begun to shift to China. At present, there are large chlorination titanium dioxide powder projects which are under construction in Zhejiang, Shandong, Liaonig etc. in China. The investors of these projects respectively come from America, Japan, Australia, etc. The productivity of chlorination titanium dioxide powder with advanced production technology will increase obviously, which will make the production quality of titanium dioxide produced by China improved greatly.

    In the future, with the continuous growth of productivity and output of China titanium dioxide and further promoted product quality, the proportions of titanium dioxide imported by trade form of processing with foreign supplied materials will be increased, export amount of titanium dioxide will continue to maintain strong growth status, and it is expected that China will become the net export country of world titanium dioxide around the corner.

    Now, the world market demand for titanium dioxide are increasing all the time, which is mainly from Asia, especially China. With the development of building and coating market, Chinese demand for titanium dioxide increases rapidly, the growth rate is higher than the whole world and keeps double-digit growth, and it is estimated that the growth amplitude will be 10%-15%.



    Analysis and Investment Consulting Report on China Titanium Dioxide Industry, 2024-2028


      資質榮譽 媒體合作 公司動態









      中投顧問協辦的濟陽區(深圳) "新能源汽車產業"專題推介會中投顧問協辦的濟陽區(深圳) "新能源汽車產業"專題推介會








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