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  • 中投顧問


    Investment and Forecast Report on China Scrap Steel Industry, 2024-2028

    首次出版:最新修訂:May 2012交付方式:特快專遞(2-3天送達)

    報告屬性:共0頁下載目錄 版權聲明


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    報告目錄內容概述 定制報告

    Chapter 1 Related overview of scrap steel
    1.1 Basic conception of scrap steel
    1.1.1 Definition of scrap steel
    1.1.2 Sources of scrap steel
    1.1.3 Advantages of scrap steel
    1.2 Overview of scrap steel utilization
    1.2.1 Utilization value of scrap steel
    1.2.2 Situation of scrap steel utilization
    1.2.3 Processing methods of scrap steel recycling
    1.3 Introduction of international standard for scrap steel
    1.3.1 U.S. scrap steel iron and steel standard
    1.3.2 Japan standard for classification of scrap steel iron and steel
    1.3.3 Russia and European scrap steel standard
    Chapter 2 Development analysis of steel industry
    2.1 Development overview of steel industry in the world
    2.1.1 Feature analysis of steel industry development in the world
    2.1.2 World's steel industry development shows gradient transfer
    2.1.3 Trend analysis of global steel capacity growth
    2.2 Development analysis of China's steel industry
    2.2.1 China leads development of steel industry all over the world
    2.2.2 China's steel industry has entered the emerging stage of development
    2.2.3 Country support steel industry to integrate and promote the status of competitive enterprises
    2.3 Operation analysis of China's steel industry in 2007-2011
    2.3.1 Overview of China's steel industry in 2007
    2.3.2 China's steel industry had achieved significant results in 2008
    2.3.3 Operation analysis of China's steel industry in 2009
    2.3.4 Operation analysis of China's steel industry in 2010
    2.3.5 Development situation of China's steel industry in 2011
    2.4 Development cycle economic analysis of China's steel industry
    2.4.1 Meaning and principles of circular economy
    2.4.2 Necessity of developing circular economy in China's steel industry
    2.4.3 Comparative analysis for development model of circular economy on iron and steel enterprise
    2.4.4 Countermeasures of circular economy in steel industry development
    2.5 Challenges and countermeasures of steel industry development
    2.5.1 Five factors of affecting the sustainable development of China's steel industry
    2.5.2 Adverse effects of China's steel industry low concentration degree
    2.5.3 Development Strategy of China's steel industry
    2.5.4 Five strategics of China's steel industry development
    Chapter 3 International scrap steel market analysis
    3.1 General development situation of scrap steel market in the world
    3.1.1 Development review of scrap steel trade in the world
    3.1.2 Situation of scrap steel trade in the world
    3.1.3 The global scrap steel market supply is becoming tightened
    3.1.4 Central Asian countries has introduced policies to restrict scrap steel exports
    3.2 Japan
    3.2.1 Japanese scrap steel exports have been expanding
    3.2.2 Japanese scrap steel exports continued to grow
    3.2.3 Import statistics of Japanese stainless scrap steel
    3.3 Russia
    3.3.1 Development overview of Russian scrap steel market
    3.3.2 Russian scrap steel shipments statistics
    3.3.3 Russia plans to increase export tariffs on scrap steel
    3.4 Korea
    3.4.1 Supply and demand review of Korea scrap steel market
    3.4.2 Imports analysis of Korea scrap steel
    3.4.3 Korea scrap steel supply and demand achieves new height
    3.4.4 Forecast of Korea scrap steel market demand
    3.5 Other countries
    3.5.1 Turkish scrap steel imports ranked first in the world
    3.5.2 Rapid growth of scrap steel exports in the US
    3.5.3 Brazil scrap steel supply situation
    3.5.4 Vietnamese scrap steel demand has grown rapidly
    Chapter 4 Development of China's scrap steel industry
    4.1 Development analysis of Chinese scrap steel industry
    4.1.1 Development achievements reviews of China's iron and scrap steel industry
    4.1.2 Development Analysis of China's scrap steel industry
    4.1.3 Chinese iron and scrap steel application presents three characteristics
    4.1.4 Domestic scrap steel imports continued to decline and its cause analysis
    4.2 Development overview of Chinese scrap steel market
    4.2.1 Supply and demand review of Chinese scrap steel market during the "10th five years"
    4.2.2 Chinese scrap steel market price affected by international scrap steel market changes has become smaller
    4.2.3 Reason analysis of China scrap steel market operation at a high level
    4.2.4 China scrap steel market steps into an adjustment phase
    4.3 Operation analysis of Chinese scrap steel market in 2008-2011
    4.3.1 Operation review of domestic scrap steel market in 2008
    4.3.2 Operation overview of Chinese scrap steel market in 2009
    4.3.3 Analysis of Chinese scrap steel market in 2010
    4.3.4 Development of Chinese scrap steel market in 2011
    4.4 Impact of policies on scrap steel market
    4.4.1 Analysis of China imposing additional billet export tariff policy impact on scrap steel market
    4.4.2 Waste material value-added tax policy adjustment impacts on China's iron and scrap steel market
    4.4.3 China scrap steel new standards will contribute to further standardize the scrap steel trade
    4.5 Challenges of China scrap steel industry
    4.5.1 Problems of China’s scrap steel industry development
    4.5.2 Development situation of China scrap steel market is very grim
    4.5.3 Difficulties of domestic scrap steel market development
    4.5.4 Contradiction between supply and demand of scrap steel in China have become increasingly prominent
    4.6 Strategies of scrap steel industry development in China
    4.6.1 Effective measures of China's scrap steel industry development
    4.6.2 Recommendations of domestic scrap steel market development
    4.6.3 Response measures of Chinese iron and steel enterprises scrap steel procurement
    4.7 Investment and prospects of scrap steel industry
    4.7.1 Investment opportunities
    4.7.2 Investment risk
    4.7.3 Investment advices
    4.7.4 Development forecast of scrap steel market
    Chapter 5 Stainless scrap steel
    5.1 Basic overview of stainless scrap steel
    5.1.1 Brief situation of stainless steel
    5.1.2 Major sources of scrap steel stainless steel
    5.1.3 Regeneration and processing of waste stainless steel
    5.2 General development situation of stainless steel industry
    5.2.1 Advantages analysis of stainless steel development in China
    5.2.2 Development overview of stainless steel industry in China
    5.2.3 Characteristics of stainless steel market in China
    5.2.4 Problems and Countermeasures of stainless steel industry development
    5.3 Development analysis of stainless scrap steel market
    5.3.1 Characteristics of domestic scrap steel stainless steel market development
    5.3.2 Analysis of stainless scrap steel market in China
    5.3.3 Production forecasts of stainless scrap steel in China
    Chapter 6 Analysis of China's scrap steel processing and distribution
    6.1 Application situation of China's scrap steel processing equipment
    6.1.1 Overview of scrap steel processing method and equipment
    6.1.2 Outlook of China's scrap steel processing machinery applications
    6.2 Development overview of domestic small and medium-sized scrap steel processing equipment
    6.2.1 Brief introduction of domestic small and medium-sized scrap steel processing equipment development
    6.2.2 Outlook of China's small and medium-sized scrap steel processing equipment
    6.3 Development analysis of China scrap steel processing and distribution system
    6.3.1 China urgently needs to speed up the construction of scrap steel iron and steel distribution system
    6.3.2 Suggestions of China's scrap steel processing and distribution system development
    6.3.3 Strategic adjustment direction of China scrap steel processing and distribution base
    Chapter 7 Key Enterprises
    7.1 Shougang Group Co., Ltd.
    7.1.1 Company profile
    7.1.2 Shougang scrap steel base has been officially put into use
    7.1.3 Shougang supply company actively innovatives scrap steel procurement and supply model
    7.2 Baoshan Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd.
    7.2.1 Company profile
    7.2.2 Baosteel actively builds the most competitive scrap steel purchasing and supply chain
    7.2.3 Analysis of Baosteel alloy scrap steel recycling and utilization practice
    7.3 Sinosteel Corporation
    7.3.1 Company profile
    7.3.2 Sinosteel plans to build a scrap steel processing base in the north
    7.3.3 Sinosteel large scrap steel processing machinery succeeds in the test run
    7.4 Wuhan Iron and Steel Group Metal Resources Co., Ltd.
    7.4.1 Company profile
    7.4.2 Wuhan Iron and gold companies supply scrap steel by varieties achieved prominent results
    7.5 Taiyuan Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.
    7.5.1 Company profile
    7.5.2 Measures to improve the quality of stainless scrap steel in TISCO
    7.5.3 Grading purchasing carbon scrap steel of TISCO factory achieved good results


      Scrap steel is a renewable resource of raw material which generated by steel production and consumption, scrap steel as the necessary resources of iron and steel production, is the only alternative iron ore raw materials for steel manufacturing. In addition, scrap steel is also a raw material contained energy. Recycling one ton of scrap steel can make about 0.8 tons steel, saving 2-3 tons of iron ore and one ton of coke, waste gas, waste water, waste emissions can be reduced by 86%, 76% and 97% respectively to facilitate cleaning production and emission reduction. With the development of China's iron and steel industry, scrap steel consumption is increasing every year.

    Supply and demand are both booming in the steel market of China, steel industry continues to accelerate the development,causing a substantial increase in demand of the resource of scrap steel. Since 2000, China's steel production is in rapid growth and scrap steel demand is increasing year by year, and the supply of China's self-produced scrap steel and social scrap steel is also gradually increased. At present, China's crude steel production of iron and steel industry accounts for about 45 percent of global steel production, and pig iron production has accounted for about 60 percent of the global. China's electric steel ratio is about 10%, and the converter steel is about 90%, resulting in the big energy and resource demand and high energy  consumption of China's steel industry Therefore, we should fully understand the important role of scrap steel resources to reduce the mining load, energy conservation, the development of recycling economy. Rational utilization of scrap steel resources must be based on reasonable and market-oriented base, so as to promote the construction of the industrialization and regionalization of scrap steel industry.

    With the progress of world civilization, electric furnace will gradually replace the converter in the future of global steel industry, and the scrap steel will replace the iron ore, and a small amount of iron ore applications will complement the consumption of natural resources, thus steel industry becomes a real nature harmonious ecological industry. Due to rising price of iron ore in the international market, and the enhancement of the domestic electricity supply capacity, as well as the output growth of domestic scrap steel, the electric furnace production capacity in the future is expected to have a faster growth, market demand will rise in the same time. Compared with the traditional process, the gap of building efficiency of new electric steel capacity will be greatly reduced. Thus, it can be expected that the demand of steel industry for scrap steel will rapid increase.

    In addition, with the implementation of the national key project construction and urbanization, the demand for steel increased rapidly, because of the shortage of China's iron ore resources and limited resources of the world's iron ore, iron and steel enterprises tend to develop a recycling economy, and therefore demand for scrap steel will be rapid growth and the development prospects.

    If you wish to have a systems understanding of the scrap steel market or want to invest in the scrap steel recycling and processing industry, this report is a must-have tool.



    Investment and Forecast Report on China Scrap Steel Industry, 2024-2028


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