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  • 中投顧問(wèn)


    Analysis and Investment Consulting Report on China Renewable Energy Market,2024-2028

    首次出版:最新修訂:August 2012交付方式:特快專(zhuān)遞(2-3天送達)

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    報告目錄內容概述 定制報告

    Contents of Chinese vision >>

    Chapter I Renewable energy outline
       1.1 Energy overview
         1.1.1 Energy definitions
         1.1.2 Energy characteristics
         1.1.3 Energy classifications
         1.1.4 Energy conversion
       1.2 New and renewable energies outline
         1.2.1 Definitions of new and renewable energies
         1.2.2 Characteristics of new and renewable energies
         1.2.3 Varieties of new and renewable energies
         1.2.4 Regularity of new-old energies alternation
    Chapter II Development survey of renewable energy industry
       2.1 Development survey of global renewable energy
         2.1.1 Overview of world renewable energy
         2.1.2 Status quo of global renewable energy industry
         2.1.3 Policy analysis of global renewable energy
         2.1.4 Development status quo of renewable energy throughout the world
       2.2 China renewable energy industry background
         2.2.1 State policy on renewable energy
         2.2.2 Related renewable energy laws issue
         2.2.3 Function and influence of “Renewable Energy Law”
       2.3 Status quo of China renewable energy
         2.3.1 China leads the development of global renewable energy
         2.3.2 Development status quo analysis of China renewable energy industry
         2.3.3 Substantial growth of China renewable energy
       2.4 The analysis of Chinese agricultural renewable energy
         2.4.1 Problems in the utilization of Chinese agricultural renewable energy
         2.4.2 Government work in the management of Chinese agricultural renewable energy
         2.4.3 Defects existing in the current legislations of Chinese agricultural renewable energy
         2.4.4 Government responsibilities and obligations in the management of agricultural renewable energy
       2.5 Problems existing in China renewable energy and development strategy
         2.5.1 Obstacles China renewable energy development facing
         2.5.2 Realistic problems existing in renewable energy development
         2.5.3 Development of renewable energy in China should formulate the road map
         2.5.4 Strategy speeding up the development of China renewable energy
    Chapter III Investment analysis of renewable energy industry segmentations
       3.1 Solar energy
         3.1.1 Reserves and distribution of China solar energy resources
         3.1.2 Development and utilization investigations of China solar energy resources
         3.1.3 Solar photovoltaic products in China reached international advanced level
         3.1.4 Solar energy becoming the new hope of Chinese energy
       3.2 Wind power
         3.2.1 Wind power becoming the main force of China renewable energy
         3.2.2 Policies promoting the development and expansion of wind power industry
         3.2.3 Development strategy of China wind power
         3.2.4 Development forecast of China wind power
       3.3 Nuclear power
         3.3.1 Development status quo of China nuclear power
         3.3.2 Review on the highlights of domestic nuclear power industry in 2011
         3.3.3 Breakthrough and technical progress of China nuclear power generation
         3.3.4 Prospect forecast of China nuclear power development
       3.4 Small hydropower
         3.4.1 Development status quo of China small hydropower industry
         3.4.2 Investment analysis of China small hydropower market
         3.4.3 Problems in China small hydropower industry and development proposals
         3.4.4 Development plan of China small hydropower in the first 20 years of 21st century
       3.5 Biomass energy
         3.5.1 Status quo of China biomass energy utilization
         3.5.2 Technical progress of biomass energy utilization
         3.5.3 Predicament and proposal of developing biomass energy
         3.5.4 Development direction of China biomass energy industry
       3.6 Geothermal energy
         3.6.1 Development status quo of China geothermal energy
         3.6.2 Factors restricting the development of geothermal energy utilization
         3.6.3 Development overview on the technology of geothermal utilization
         3.6.4 Market prospect and investment reference of geothermal utilization
       3.7 Hydrogen energy
         3.7.1 Development and utilization status quo of China hydrogen energy
         3.7.2 Technical progress of hydrogen energy
         3.7.3 The analysis of PEMFC-based hydrogen power generation system
         3.7.4 Prospect and investment reference of hydrogen energy utilization
       3.8 Ocean energy
         3.8.1 Ocean energy and its development status
         3.8.2 Development status quo of ocean energy utilization in different countries
         3.8.3 Key points of ocean energy development and investment
         3.8.4 Broad prospect of the 21st century ocean energy
    Chapter IV Investment analysis and development prospect of renewable energy
       4.1 Investment analysis of renewable energy
         4.1.1 China renewable energy becoming the new favorite of foreign investment
         4.1.2 Investment in the field of renewable energy should be guided
         4.1.3 Investment plan of national renewable energy
         4.1.4 New energy industry contains mid-long-term investment opportunities
       4.2 Development prospect of renewable energy
         4.2.1 Progress trend of world renewable energy industry
         4.2.2 Main development planning points of new and renewable energy industry
         4.2.3 Development trend analysis of China renewable energy industry during the “Twelveth Five Years”
         4.2.4 Position prediction of renewable energy in China’s energy structure mid-21st century

    本報告目錄與內容系中投顧問(wèn)原創(chuàng ),未經(jīng)中投顧問(wèn)書(shū)面許可及授權,拒絕任何形式的復制、轉載,謝謝!


    Analysis and Investment Consulting Report on China Renewable Energy Market,2024-2028


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