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  • 中投顧問


    Analysis and Investment Consulting Report on China Building Material Industry, 2024-2028

    首次出版:最新修訂:August 2012交付方式:特快專遞(2-3天送達)

    報告屬性:共0頁、384個圖表下載目錄 版權聲明


    24小時服務熱線:138 0270 8576 定制報告

    版本 在線版 電子版+印刷版 在線報告庫(超1000份報告)全庫
    優惠價 RMB 6800 RMB 7800 RMB 9800
    原價 RMB 9600 RMB 9800 -

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    產業研究大腦 政府、企業內關注產業發展的領導及工作人員 產業研究工作的一站式解決方案 詳情 > 申請 >













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    報告目錄內容概述 定制報告

    Contents of Chinese vision>>

    Chapter I Analysis of China building material industry development
      1.1 Survey of China building material industry development
        1.1.1 Economic operation of China building material industry 2008-2010
        1.1.2 Economic operation status of China building material industry 2011
        1.1.3 Economic operation analysis of China building material industry Jan.-Jun. 2012
      1.2 Analysis of China building material market
        1.2.1 Characteristics of China building material market
        1.2.2 Development trend of building material market
        1.2.3 Development of decorative building material market
        1.2.4 Rising cost making building material market face integration
      1.3 Building material development in main regions of China
        1.3.1 Anhui
        1.3.2 Hebei
        1.3.3 Hubei
        1.3.4 Shanghai
        1.3.5 Zhejiang
      1.4 Problems in China building material industry development and countermeasures
        1.4.1 Difficult problems China building material industry facing
        1.4.2 Building material industry being in urgent need to change idea and adjust structure
        1.4.3 Development countermeasures of China building material industry
        1.4.4 Development measures of China building material industry
    Chapter II Market segmentations analysis of building material industry
      2.1 Plastic building material
        2.1.1 Survey of China plastic building material industry development
        2.1.2 Overall analysis of China plastic pipe market
        2.1.3 Problems in plastic material development and countermeasures
        2.1.4 Development trend of plastic building material industry
      2.2 Green building material
        2.2.1 Related introduction of green building material
        2.2.2 Development survey of green building material at home and abroad
        2.2.3 Plastic products analysis in green building material
        2.2.4 Countermeasures of developing green building material and prospect analysis
      2.3 New building material
        2.3.1 Basic characteristics of new building material
        2.3.2 Main development rules of the new building material
        2.3.3 China new building material making great progress
        2.3.4 Development trend and prospect analysis of China new building material industry
    Chapter III Main products analysis of building material industry
      3.1 Cement
        3.1.1 Overall overview of China cement industry development
        3.1.2 Operation analysis of China cement industry 2009-2011
        3.1.3 Economic data analysis of China cement manufacturing enterprises 2011-Jun. 2012
        3.1.4 Problems existing in China cement industry and countermeasures
        3.1.5 Forecast analysis of China cement manufacturing industry 2011-2015
      3.2 Glass
        3.2.1 Development review of China glass industry during "10th Five Years" period
        3.2.2 China glass industry presenting the sustainable and stable development state
        3.2.3 Economic data analysis of China glass industry 2010-Jun. 2012
        3.2.4 Forecast analysis of China glass and glass products manufacturing 2011-2015
      3.3 Building ceramics
        3.3.1 Development status quo of China building ceramics industry
        3.3.2 Overview of China building ceramics development in the first half of 2012
        3.3.3 New pattern of China building ceramics industry and the impact analysis
        3.3.4 Problems existing in building ceramics development and development countermeasures
      3.4 Building steel
        3.4.1 Analysis of China building steel market development 2010
        3.4.2 Analysis of China building steel market development 2010
        3.4.3 Analysis of China building steel market development 2012
        3.4.4 Outlook of China building steel market
      3.5 Other building materials
        3.5.1 Timber
        3.5.2 Stone
    Chapter IV Listed companies
      4.1 Beijing New Building Material (Group) Co., Ltd.
        4.1.1 Company introduction
        4.1.2 Operating status analysis 2010-Jun. 2012
        4.1.3 Future development outlook
      4.2 Wuhu Conch Profiles and Science Co., Ltd.
        4.2.1 Company introduction
        4.2.2 Operating status analysis 2010-Jun. 2012
        4.2.3 Future development outlook
      4.3 Sichuan Guodong Construction Co., Ltd.
        4.3.1 Company introduction
        4.3.2 Operating status analysis 2010-Jun. 2012
        4.3.3 Future development outlook
      4.4 Southern Building Materials Co., Ltd.
        4.4.1 Company introduction
        4.4.2 Operating status analysis 2010-Jun. 2012
      4.5 Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd.
        4.5.1 Company introduction
        4.5.2 Operating status analysis 2010-Jun. 2012
      4.6 China Fiberglass Co., Ltd.
        4.6.1 Company introduction
        4.6.2 Operating status analysis 2010-Jun. 2012
        4.6.3 Future development outlook
    Chapter V Competition analysis of building material industry
      5.1 Competition pattern of China building material industry
        5.1.1 Competition environment analysis of China building material industry
        5.1.2 Survey of the competition between overseas and China building material
        5.1.3 Overview of the competition pattern of building material market
        5.1.4 Building material brands flooding resulting in the confusion of market competition
      5.2 Building material market competition status in some regions
        5.2.1 Wuhan
        5.2.2 Qingdao
        5.2.3 Xiamen
      5.3 Competition analysis of main building material products
        5.3.1 Domestic glass market competition emphasizing rationalization and benignity
        5.3.2 Competition status analysis of building ceramics industry
        5.3.3 Analysis of exterior wall coating competitiveness
        5.3.4 China new building material facing the competition from foreign giants
      5.4 Proposal to enhance the competitiveness of building material industry
        5.4.1 Strategies for building material enterprises to enhance their core competitiveness
        5.4.2 Innovative building material market status in the competition
        5.4.3 Analysis of cement competition strategies in western China
    Chapter VI Investment in building material industry and prospect analysis
      6.1 Analysis of China building material industry investment
        6.1.1 Building material industry investment opportunities
        6.1.2 Five investment points in China building material industry
        6.1.3 Investment risks and suggestions
      6.2 Prospect outlook of China building material industry
        6.2.1 Outlook of China building material industry development during "12th Five Years" period
        6.2.2 Cultivation plan of the famous brand products in the field of China building material 2012-2016
        6.2.3 Prospect of China building material industry development will still be good in the next several decades
        6.2.4 Development direction of China building material industry in the future



    Analysis and Investment Consulting Report on China Building Material Industry, 2024-2028


      資質榮譽 媒體合作 公司動態









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