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  • 中投顧問


    Investment and Forecast Report on China Automotive Industry, 2024-2028

    首次出版:最新修訂:August 2012交付方式:特快專遞(2-3天送達)

    報告屬性:共0頁、94個圖表下載目錄 版權聲明


    24小時服務熱線:138 0270 8576 定制報告

    版本 在線版 電子版+印刷版 在線報告庫(超1000份報告)全庫
    優惠價 RMB 6800 RMB 7800 RMB 9800
    原價 RMB 9600 RMB 9800 -

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    報告目錄內容概述 定制報告

    Chapter Ⅰ Summaries Related to Automotive Industry
      1.1 Introduction related to automotive
      1.2 Definition of automotive industry
      1.3 Development of automotive industry chain
      1.4 Brief introduction of automotive manufacturing
    Chapter Ⅱ Development of World Automotive Industry
      2.1 General situation of world automotive industry
      2.2 USA
      2.3 Japan
      2.4 German
      2.5 Russia
      2.6 Other countries
    Chapter Ⅲ Development of China Automotive Industry
      3.1 General overview of China automotive industry development
      3.2 Development analysis of China automotive industry 2011
      3.3 Development analysis of China automotive industry between Jan. to Jul. 2012
      3.4 Price change analysis of China automotive market 2011-2012
      3.5 Problems existing in China automotive industry
      3.6 Development strategies of China automotive industry
    Chapter Ⅳ Development of China Automotive Industry Original Brand
      4.1 General analysis of China original brand vehicle development
      4.2 Development of China original brand vehicle 2011
      4.3 Development of China original brand vehicle 2012
      4.4 Problems existing in the development of China original brand vehicle
      4.5 Development strategies of China original brand vehicle
    Chapter Ⅴ Economic Data Analysis Related to China Automotive Manufacturing Industry
      5.1 Data analysis of all the Chinese automotive manufacturing enterprises 2010-2012 Jun.
      5.2 Data analysis of Chinese different ownerships automotive manufacturing enterprises 2011-2012 Jun.
      5.3 Data analysis of Chinese different scales automotive manufacturing enterprises 2011-2012 Jun.
    Chapter Ⅵ Sedan
      6.1 Summaries related to sedan
      6.2 Development environment analysis of China sedan industry
      6.3 Development status quo of China sedan industry 2011-2012
      6.4 Sedan output statistics of the whole country and key provinces / municipalities 2010-2012 Jul.
      6.5 Main brands analysis of China sedan market
      6.6 Problems existing in China sedan industry
      6.7 Factors should be paid attention to in the development of China sedan industry
      6.8 Prospect and trend analysis of sedan industry
    Chapter Ⅶ Bus
      7.1 Development analysis of China bus market 2010-2012
      7.2 Development analysis of China bus market segmentation
      7.3 Development analysis of China bus internationalization
      7.4 Problems existing in China bus industry
      7.5 Countermeasures and strategies of China bus industry
      7.6 Development forecast of China bus industry
    Chapter Ⅷ SUV
      8.1 Brief introduction of SUV
      8.2 Development situation of SUV market 2010
      8.3 Development situation of SUV market 2011
      8.4 Development situation of SUV market 2012
      8.5 Development situation of original brand SUV
      8.6 Marketing Research of SUV
      8.7 Problems existing in SUV industry and strategies
      8.8 SUV development prospect and trend
    Chapter Ⅸ New Energy Automotive
      9.1 Definition and classification of new energy automotive
      9.2 Development overview of world new energy automotive
      9.3 Development environment analysis of China new energy automotive
      9.4 Development status quo of China new energy automotive
      9.5 Policy background analysis of China new energy automotive
      9.6 Problems existing in the development of China new energy automotive
      9.7 Development countermeasures and strategies of China new energy automotive
      9.8 Development prospect and trend of China new energy automotive
    Chapter Ⅹ Automotive Parts
      10.1 General overview of China automotive parts industry
      10.2 Import and export analysis of China automotive parts
      10.3 Problems existing in China automotive parts industry
      10.4 Development strategies of China automotive parts industry
      10.5 Prospect and trend of China automotive parts industry
    Chapter Ⅺ Import and Export of China Automotive Industry
      11.1 Import and export status quo of China automotive industry 2010-2012
      11.2 Import and export data analysis of China towing tractor and tractor(excluding 8709 towing tractor)
      11.3 Import and export data analysis of China bus vehicle of ten seats and more(including driver seat)
      11.4 Import and export data analysis of China manned vehicle(excluding 8702 vehicle)
      11.5 Import and export data analysis of China freight vehicle
      11.6 Import and export data analysis of China vehicle for special use
      11.7 Import and export data analysis of China 8701-8705 listed vehicle parts and accessories
    Chapter Ⅻ Development Analysis of Automotive Industrial Cluster
      12.1 Connotation interpretation of automotive industrial cluster
      12.2 Research and reference of foreign automotive industrial cluster
      12.3 General analysis of China automotive industrial cluster
      12.4 Development analysis of automotive industrial cluster in Beijing and Tianjin areas
      12.5 Development analysis of automotive industrial cluster in central China
      12.6 Development analysis of automotive industrial cluster in Shanghai
      12.7 Development analysis of automotive industrial cluster in Guangzhou
    Chapter ⅩⅢ Foreign Famous Enterprises
      13.1 General Motor
      13.2 Ford
      13.3 Daimler
      13.4 Toyota
      13.5 Volks Wagen
      13.6 BMW
    Chapter ⅩⅣ Domestic Key Enterprises
      14.1 FAW Car Co., Ltd.
      14.2 SAIC Motor Co.
      14.3 Dongfeng Automobile Stock Co., Ltd.
      14.4 Chana Auto Co. Ltd.
      14.5 Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Co., Ltd.
      14.6 Jiangling Motors Co., Ltd.
    Chapter ⅩⅤ Investment Analysis of China Automotive Industry
      15.1 Investment environment
      15.2 Investment opportunities
      15.3 Situation of foreign capital investment
      15.4 Situation of domestic capital investment
      15.5 Investment risks
    Chapter ⅩⅥ Policies and Regulations Analysis of China Automotive Industry
      16.1 Policies and regulations analysis of China automotive industry 2011-2012
      16.2 Disadvantages existing in current Automotive Industry Development Policy
      16.3 Analysis of related policies and regulations impact on industry
    Chapter ⅩⅦ Development Prospect and Trend of Automotive Industry
      17.1 Development prospect of China automotive industry
      17.2 Development trend of China automotive industry



    Investment and Forecast Report on China Automotive Industry, 2024-2028


      資質榮譽 媒體合作 公司動態









      中投顧問協辦的濟陽區(深圳) "新能源汽車產業"專題推介會中投顧問協辦的濟陽區(深圳) "新能源汽車產業"專題推介會








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