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  • 中投顧問


    U.S. Food and Feed Enzymes Markets

    首次出版:最新修訂:March 2009交付方式:特快專遞(2-3天送達)

    報告屬性:共0頁下載目錄 版權聲明


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    報告目錄內容概述 定制報告

    C h a p t e r 1

    Executive Summary

    Market Overview 1-1

    Introduction to the U.S. Food and Feed Enzymes Market 1-1

    U.S. Food Enzymes Market 1-1

    U.S. Feed Enzymes market 1-2

    Summary of the Major Findings 1-2

    Market Growth and Opportunities 1-2

    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Food Enzymes Market 1-3

    Key Industry Challenges 1-4

    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Starch and Sugar-processing Enzymes Market 1-4

    Mark et D r i v er 1-4
    Mark et Res t rain t 1-4
    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Dairy Enzymes Market 1-4

    Mark et D r i v er 1-4
    Mark et Res t rain t 1-4
    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Bakery Enzymes Market 1-5

    Mark et D r i v er 1-5
    Mark et Res t rain t 1-5
    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Fruit-processing Enzymes Market 1-5

    Mark et D r i v er 1-5
    Mark et Res t rain t 1-5
    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Wine-making Enzymes Market 1-5

    Mark et D r i v er 1-5
    Mark et Res t rain t 1-5
    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Brewing Enzymes Market 1-6

    Mark et D r i v er 1-6
    Mark et Res t rain t 1-6

    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Feed Enzymes Market 1-6

    Key Industry Challenges 1-6

    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Phytase Market 1-6

    Mark et D r i v er 1-6
    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Non-phytase Market 1-7

    Mark et D r i v er 1-7

    Total U.S. Food and Feed Enzymes Market: Competitive Analysis 1-7

    Competitive Analysis: Total Food Enzymes Market 1-7

    Competitive Analysis: Total Feed Enzymes Market 1-7

    C h a p t e r 2

    Strategic Analysis of the Total U.S. Food and Feed Enzymes Market

    Market Overview 2-1

    Introduction 2-1

    Scope of Research 2-2

    Food Enzymes 2-2

    Feed Enzymes 2-2

    Revenue Forecasts for the Total U.S. Food and Feed Enzymes Market 2-3

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 2-3

    Revenue Forecasts 2-4

    Application Analysis 2-5

    Food As Against Feed 2-5

    C h a p t e r 3

    Strategic Analysis of the Total U.S. Food Enzymes Market

    Introduction to the Market 3-1

    Introduction 3-1

    Recent Developments 3-1

    Enzyme Sources 3-2

    Pl an ts 3-2
    A n im al C ells and Ti ssu es 3-2
    Micr o-organism s 3-2

    Market Overview 3-3

    Company Profiles of Key Participants 3-4

    Examples of Technology Developments 3-14

    Use of Cross-Linking Enzymes For Improvement of Textural and other Properties of Food 3-14

    Enzymatically-modified Whey Protein and other Protein-based Fat Replacers 3-14

    Enzymatic Production of Bio-active Peptides 3-14

    Production of Flavors, Flavor Enhancers, and other Protein-based Speciality Products 3-14

    Use of Enzymes to Attain Flavors and other Value-added Products from Sucrose 3-14

    Production of Novel Lipids with Functional Health Benefits 3-15

    Mergers and Acquisitions 3-15

    Joint Ventures and Alliances 3-15

    Challenges Facing the U.S. Food Enzymes Market 3-16

    Challenges 3-16

    U.S. Food Enzymes Market 3-16

    We akness of the D o lla r 3-16
    Maint a in i n g M a n u f a cturer s’ Mar g i n s, d e spite the Increa s in g
    En er g y C o s t s and S t r o n g C o m petiti on 3-16
    U.S. Bakery Enzymes Market 3-17

    D epen dence on Lim i ted N u m b er of A pplic a t ions N arr ow s Scope for G r o w th 3-17
    Lon g er D e velopm ent Peri o d Ham per s Intr od uction of New Pr od ucts 3-17
    U.S. Wine –making and Brewing Enzymes Market 3-18

    R ela tive P r iority t o Tr a d itional M ethods o v er En zy m e s 3-18
    U.S. Fruit – Processing Enzymes Market 3-19

    Th rea t fr om C h in ese Inter vention 3-19

    Forecasts for the Total U.S. Food Enzymes Market 3-20

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 3-20

    Revenue Forecasts 3-21

    Competitive Analysis 3-22

    Competitive Structure 3-22

    Market Share Analysis 3-24

    C h a p t e r 4

    Strategic Analysis of the Starch and Sugar-processing Enzymes Market

    Market Overview 4-1

    Market Overview and Definitions 4-1

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 4-3

    Forecasts and Trends 4-4

    Market Drivers 4-4

    Steep Increase in Sales of Starch-processing Enzymes due to Growth of Corn Sweetener Industry 4-4

    Increased Usage of Enzymes as Substitute for Acid Hydrolysis in Making Corn Sweeteners 4-5

    Usage of Enzymes Sharply Increasing due to Rising Use of Wheat Starch 4-6

    Market Restraints 4-6

    Customer’s Market Consolidation Limiting Price Growth 4-7

    Process Improvements Reducing Enzyme Consumption 4-7

    Revenue Forecasts 4-8

    Pricing Analysis 4-10

    Product Analysis 4-10

    Novozymes N.A. 4-10

    Danisco A/S (after acquiring Genencor International) 4-11

    Application Analysis 4-12

    Competitive Analysis 4-13

    Competitive Structure 4-13

    Market Share Analysis 4-14

    C h a p t e r 5

    Strategic Analysis of the Dairy Enzymes Market

    Market Overview 5-1

    Market Overview and Definitions 5-1

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 5-3

    Forecasts and Trends 5-4

    Market Drivers 5-4

    Increase in Population Forces Growth in Coagulants Market 5-4

    Continued Demand for Lactose-free Products Increasing the Need for Lactase 5-5

    Advancement of Genetic Engineering Technology Yielding Novel Enzymes for Flavor and

    Yield Enhancement in Cheese 5-5

    Increasing Popularity of Whey Boosting Proteases’ Sales 5-6

    Market Restraints 5-6

    Increase in Consolidation among Customers Decreasing Manufacturers’ Production Margins 5-6

    Revenue Forecasts 5-7

    Pricing Analysis 5-8

    Product Analysis 5-9

    Chr. Hansen 5-9

    DSM 5-10

    Degussa A/G 5-10

    Danisco A/S 5-10

    Novozymes 5-10

    Amano Enzymes USA Co. 5-10

    Application Analysis 5-11

    Functions of Enzymes in Cheese Production 5-11

    C oa gula t i o n 5-11
    Pr evention of C o nt am ina t ion in C h eese 5-11
    Pr otei n Hydr oly s i s 5-11
    Other Applications 5-12

    Hydr oly s is of La ct os e 5-12

    Competitive Analysis 5-12

    Competitive Structure 5-12

    Market Share Analysis 5-13

    C h a p t e r 6

    Strategic Analysis of the Bakery Enzymes Market

    Market Overview 6-1

    Market Overview and Definitions 6-1

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 6-3

    Forecasts and Trends 6-4

    Market Drivers 6-4

    Increasing Demand for the Whole-grain and High-fiber Bread Products Driving Bakery Enzyme Sales 6-4

    Enzymes Continuing Trend as Replacers to Emulsifiers in Baked Goods Driving the Market 6-5

    Growth in the Small Bakery Segments fuel Growth of the Enzymes Market 6-5

    Market Restraints 6-6

    Declining Sales of Bread due to High–Carb Concerns 6-6

    Market Consolidation Leads to Increased Bargaining Power for the Customers 6-7

    Revenue Forecasts 6-7

    Pricing Analysis 6-9

    Product Analysis 6-9

    Novozymes A/S 6-9

    Danisco A/S 6-11

    DSM 6-11

    B akez y m e ® 6-11
    Others 6-12

    Application Analysis 6-12

    Competitive Analysis 6-13

    Competitive Structure 6-13

    Market Share Analysis 6-14

    C h a p t e r 7

    Strategic Analysis of the Brewing Enzymes Market

    Market Overview 7-1

    Market Overview and Definitions 7-1

    Amyloglycosidases 7-1

    Proteases 7-2

    Other Enzymes 7-2

    Bet a -glucana s es 7-2
    A l p h a- ace to l actat e d e c a r b o xy l a s e , o r A C D L 7 - 2

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 7-2

    Forecasts and Trends 7-4

    Market Drivers 7-4

    Poor Quality and Increasing Costs of Barley Helping Enzymes Market 7-4

    Growth in the Low-calorie Beer Market Driving Enzyme Volume Sales 7-5

    High Energy and Raw Material Costs Impacting Enzyme Prices 7-5

    Increasing Demand of Niche Beer Market Segments Driving Growth in Enzyme Market 7-6

    Market Restraints 7-6

    Competition from Imported Regular and Light Beer Brands Reducing Enzymes’ Domestic Usage 7-7

    Consumer Preference Shift to other Alcoholic Beverages Limiting Enzyme Sales 7-7

    Consolidated End-user Market Restraining Enzymes’ Price Growth 7-7

    Revenue Forecasts 7-8

    Pricing Analysis 7-9

    Product Analysis 7-10

    Novozymes N.A. 7-10

    Danisco A/S 7-10

    Kerry group 7-11

    Application Analysis 7-11

    Competitive Analysis 7-12

    Competitive Structure 7-12

    Market Share Analysis 7-12

    C h a p t e r 8

    Strategic Analysis of the Fruit-processing Enzymes Market

    Market Overview 8-1

    Market Overview and Definitions 8-1

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 8-2

    Forecasts and Trends 8-3

    Market Drivers 8-3

    Enzymes Replacing Harmful Chemicals Fuelling Enzyme Market 8-3

    Growth of Functional Fruit Juice Market Driving Enzyme Sales 8-4

    Market Restraints 8-4

    Low-carbohydrate Trend Negatively Impacting Fruit-juice Consumption 8-4

    Customer-base Consolidation Negatively Affecting Enzyme Prices 8-5

    Competition among Market Participants Keeping Enzyme Prices Low 8-5

    Revenue Forecasts 8-5

    Pricing Analysis 8-7

    Product Analysis 8-7

    DSM 8-7

    Novozymes N.A. 8-8

    Danisco A/S 8-9

    AB Enzymes 8-9

    Valley Research 8-9

    Application Analysis 8-9

    Apple and Pear Processing 8-10

    J u ic e E x t r act i o n 8- 1 0
    C l a r ific a t ion and F i ltr a t ion Im pr ov em ent (D epec tin i s a ti on and D e st ar chi n g) 8-10
    Berry and Grape-processing 8-10

    Citrus Fruit Processing 8-11

    J u i c e E x tra c t ion a n d D epec tinis a tion 8-11
    Pr evention of C l oud Loss 8-11
    Cla r ific a t ion of L e m o n J u ic e 8-11
    D e bitter in g of G r a pefr uit and Bitter Ora n ge J u ic e 8-11
    Pr e-peeling 8-11
    O t h e r A pplica tions 8-11
    Fr u i t Fir m in g 8-12
    Tropical Fruit Processing or Nectar Base Production 8-12

    Vegetable Processing 8-12

    Olive Oil Extraction 8-12

    Competitive Analysis 8-13

    Competitive Structure 8-13

    Market Share Analysis 8-13

    C h a p t e r 9

    Strategic Analysis of the Wine-making Enzymes Market

    Market Overview 9-1

    Market Overview and Definitions 9-1

    White Wine Vinification Steps 9-2

    Red Wine Vinification Steps 9-2

    Maceration 9-2

    Clarification and Filtration 9-3

    Aroma and Color Extraction and Improvement 9-3

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 9-4

    Forecasts and Trends 9-5

    Market Drivers 9-5

    Growth in Bulk Wine Consumption Boosting Enzyme Sales 9-5

    Growth in the Medium and Premium-priced Wine Market Driving Enzyme Market 9-6

    Market Restraints 9-6

    Competition among Market Participants Keeping Enzyme Prices Low 9-7

    Market Consolidation Leading to Increased Bargaining Power for Customers 9-7

    Revenue Forecasts 9-7

    Pricing Analysis 9-9

    Product Analysis 9-10

    Novozymes N.A. 9-10

    DSM 9-10

    Danisco A/S 9-10

    AB Enzyme 9-10

    Valley Research 9-11

    Application Analysis 9-11

    Competitive Analysis 9-11

    Competitive Structure 9-11

    Market Share Analysis 9-12

    C h a p t e r 1 0

    Strategic Analysis of the Total U.S. Feed Enzymes Market

    Introduction to the Market 10-1

    Introduction 10-1

    Application 10-2

    Market Overview 10-2

    Definitions 10-2

    Am yl a s e s 10-2
    Bet a -glucana s e 10-3
    C ellula s e s 10-3
    Hem i cellula ses 10-3
    Li pa ses 10-3
    Pe ctin a s e 10-3
    Pr otea ses 10-3
    P h ytas e 10-3

    Company Profiles of Key Participants 10-4

    Key Acquisitions and Alliances 10-8

    Challenges Facing the Total U.S. Feed Enzymes Market 10-9

    Challenges 10-9

    Limited New Products Reducing Market Potential 10-9

    Restricted Use of Wheat and Barley in Animal Feed Providing Limited Scope for Enzyme Usage 10-9

    Forecasts for the Total U.S. Feed Enzymes Market 10-10

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 10-10

    Revenue Forecasts 10-11

    Competitive Analysis 10-12

    Competitive Structure 10-12

    Market Share Analysis 10-14

    C h a p t e r 1 1

    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Non-phytase Enzymes Market

    Market Overview 11-1

    Market Overview and Definitions 11-1

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 11-1

    Forecasts and Trends 11-3

    Market Drivers 11-3

    Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS) Grade of Feed Grain Providing New Space for

    Development in Non-phytase Enzymes 11-3

    Added Functionalities Encouraging the Usage of Enzymes as a Full-fledged Replacement for Antibiotics 11-3

    Revenue Forecasts 11-4

    Pricing Analysis 11-5

    Product Analysis 11-6

    Application Analysis 11-6

    Competitive Analysis 11-6

    Competitive Structure 11-6

    Market Share Analysis 11-7

    C h a p t e r 1 2

    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Phytase Enzymes Market

    Market Overview 12-1

    Market Overview and Definitions 12-1

    Market Engineering Measurement Analysis 12-1

    Forecasts and Trends 12-2

    Market Drivers 12-2

    Increasing Concern for Environment Increases Feed Enzyme Appeal 12-3

    Popularity of Phytase Expected to Stimulate Growth 12-3

    Expected Increase in Demand for Poultry and Pork Meat Anticipated to Expand the Market for Phytase 12-4

    Revenue Forecasts 12-4

    Pricing Analysis 12-5

    Product Analysis 12-6

    Application Analysis 12-6

    Competitive Analysis 12-6

    Competitive Structure 12-6

    Market Share Analysis 12-7

    C h a p t e r 1 3

    Database of Key Industry Participants

    Key Industry Participants 13-1

    Examples of Key Industry Participants 13-1



    U.S. Food and Feed Enzymes Markets



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