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  • 中投顧問


    European Lubricants Markets

    首次出版:最新修訂:March 2009交付方式:特快專遞(2-3天送達)

    報告屬性:共68頁下載目錄 版權聲明


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    報告目錄內容概述 定制報告

    Table of Contents

    C h a p t e r 1

    The Lubricants Market

    Market Progress 1-1

    Overview 1-1

    Lubricants Technology 1-1

    Set of Functions 1-1

    Base Oils 1-2

    Additives 1-3

    Waste Oil 1-4

    Collection 1-4

    Re-refined Base Oils 1-6

    C h a p t e r 2

    Industry Challenges

    Challenges Facing the European Lubricants Market 2-1

    Identification of Challenges 2-1

    REACH Legislation will Affect the Market of Lubricants 2-2

    EU Emissions Legislation will Affect Engine Lubricants 2-3

    Additives Technology and Development Play an Increasingly Important Role 2-3

    Higher Crude Oil Prices have an Impact on Lubricants Market 2-4

    Industry Consolidation Restricts Price Competitiveness 2-5


    Time Frame Analysis 2-5


    C h a p t e r 3

    Market Trends

    Market Drivers 3-1

    Introduction 3-1

    Group II Base Oil Suppliers Commit to Build Inventory in Europe 3-2

    Increased Supply of Group III Base Oils will Boost the Market 3-2

    EU Expansion Warrants Market Growth in the Eastern Geographic Regions 3-3

    Technological Advances in Transmission Systems will Increase the Market

    of Specially Designed Lubricants 3-3

    Gas-to-liquid Lubricants will Create New Momentum in the Lubricants Market 3-4

    Market Restraints 3-5

    Introduction 3-5

    Increasing Crude Oil Prices Create Uncertainty in the European Lubricants Market 3-5

    Increasing Oil Change Intervals Reduce Unit Volumes Consumed 3-6

    Public Environmental Awareness Could Restrict the Use of Mineral Oil-based Lubricants 3-6

    Different Lubricant Characteristics Required by OEMs Result in Product Fragmentation 3-7

    European Legislation for Fuels Affects the Development and Marketing of Lubricants 3-7

    Waste Disposal Regulations Push Up Overall Cost of Using Lubricants 3-8

    C h a p t e r 4

    Market Analysis

    Strategic Analysis and Forecasts 4-1

    Market Engineering Research Measurements 4-1

    Market Age 4-3

    Market Size in Revenues 4-3

    Market Size in Units 4-3

    Base Year Market Growth Rate 4-3

    Price Range 4-3

    Potential Market Size in Tonnes 4-3

    Forecast Period Market Unit Growth Rate (CAGR) 4-4

    Price Sensitivity 4-4

    Competitors 4-4

    Degree of Competition 4-4

    Market Concentration 4-4

    Market Forecasts 4-4

    Demand Analysis 4-6

    Market Share by Product Type 4-7

    Market Share 4-7

    Forecast Assumptions 4-9

    Overview 4-9

    Consumer Price Index (CPI) 4-9

    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 4-9

    Gross National Product (GNP) 4-9

    Inflation 4-9

    Producer Price Index (PPI) 4-10

    Factory Inventories 4-10

    Population 4-10

    Interest Rates 4-10

    C h a p t e r 5

    Competitive Analysis

    Industry Structure 5-1

    Competitive Structure 5-2

    Capacity of Oil Refining Companies 5-5

    Ranking 5-5

    Base Oil Producers 5-7

    Ranking 5-7

    Market Participants 5-8

    List of Companies 5-8

    C h a p t e r 6

    Market Engineering Strategies

    SWOT Analysis 6-1

    SWOT Matrix 6-1

    Critical Success Factors 6-4

    Critical Success Factors in the Lubricants Industry 6-4

    Competitive Pricing Through Technology, Optimisation of Manufacturing Processes

    and Favourable Cost Position 6-4

    Monitoring Legislation and Regulations Relevant to Lubricant Products 6-5

    Offer of a Complete Product Portfolio in Key Market Segments 6-5

    Strong Presence in Key European Geographic Markets and Regions 6-5

    Total Fluid Management 6-5

    Strategic Alliances and Partnerships with OEMs 6-6

    Environmental Championing Through Product Stewardship 6-6

    Operational Excellence Achieved Through Advanced System and People Management 6-6

    Ability to Educate Customers and Offer Technical and After-sales Support 6-6

    Control of the Supply Chain can Ensure High Product Volumes in a Stable and Reliable Manner 6-7

    Strategic Recommendations 6-7

    Legislative Awareness 6-7

    Developing Product Lines that Conform to OEM's Specifications 6-8

    Product Customisation and Research and Development 6-8

    Supply and Distribution Channels 6-9

    Competitive Benchmarking 6-9

    Mergers and Acquisitions 6-10

    Strategic Alliances 6-11

    C h a p t e r 7

    Market Engineering Forecasting Methodology

    The Seven Steps of Frost & Sullivan Methodology 7-1

    Overview 7-1

    Market Engineering Research Process Completed 7-2

    Measurements and Challenges Analysed Over Time 7-2

    Identification of Market Drivers and Restraints 7-2

    Expert-opinion Integration with Analyst Team 7-2

    Forecasts Calculated 7-3

    Delphi Technique Integration when Needed 7-3

    Quality Control within Research Department 7-3

    Strategic Significance of the Market Engineering Measurements 7-3

    Assists in Measuring Timing and Size of Research and Development 7-4

    Informs Sales Force of Market Status and where to Focus Efforts 7-4

    Supports Investment Decisions 7-4

    Impacts Business Planning Process 7-4

    Serves as a Credibility Check Against Internal Company Forecasts 7-4

    Assists in Creating Company's Own Forecasts 7-5

    Supports Acquisition Strategies 7-5

    Helps in Allocation of Investments to Marketing Tools 7-5

    Helps Production Departments to Plan Future Needs 7-5


      The petroleum industry can be divided into two broad groups: Upstream producers involved in exploration, development and production of crude oil and downstream participants including refiners, formulators, distributors, retailers and consumers.

      In general, industry developments are characterised by crude oil prices and an effort for more energy efficient processes with the aim to reduce costs and save resources. The continuous impact of legislation, incentives and initiatives, as well as the increasing public concern to global warming, play an integral part to the evolution of the industry. Key issues such as the growth of the global population and the role of energy demanding countries, led by China and India, are combining to create challenging conditions for the global industry.

      In Europe, further expansion of the European Union by accession of ten more countries since 2000 resulted in growth of internal population and markets which, combined with the establishment of Russia as a key player in the arena of energy supply, could define the industry progress.



    European Lubricants Markets



      資質榮譽 媒體合作 公司動態









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